
functional programming principles applied in C#

Project maintained by B1tF8er Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Actions are sugar syntax to create delegates that the .NET framework gives us. These never return a value therefore are always void, and can take up to sixteen generic parameters as input.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

internal static class TestActions
    internal static void Run()
        // string -> ()
        Action<string> consoleLoggerHandler = ConsoleLogger;
        Action<string> debugLoggerHandler = DebugLogger;
        Action<string> allConsoleHandlers = consoleLoggerHandler + debugLoggerHandler;

        consoleLoggerHandler("This goes to the console");
        debugLoggerHandler("This goes to the debug");
        allConsoleHandlers("this goes to all");

    private static void ConsoleLogger(string message) => Console.WriteLine(message);

    private static void DebugLogger(string message) => Debug.WriteLine(message);